Self-Care Myths



Self-Care Myths

So many myths exist around self-care. What it is. What it costs. Who it’s for. Let’s unpack a few of those self-care myths together.

Myth: Self-Care is about pampering yourself.

Self-care is simply the act of caring for yourself. Self-care is an action we deliberately do to take care of our physical, mental or emotional health. Sometimes that means unwinding after with a bubble bath after a long day, but eating a salad, brushing your teeth and even setting boundaries are all acts of self-care that few would consider pampering.

Myth: I don’t need self-care.

We all need self-care. In fact, you’re already doing it. Even the most basic functions of life count as self-care. When you go to bed early to get a good night’s sleep, drink water, or put your seatbelt on, you’re practicing self-care. It’s the ongoing choices we make to take care of ourselves and meet our needs.

Myth: Self-care is selfish and indulgent.

You need to care for yourself to be able to care for others. It’s why we are told to put on our own oxygen masks first. It’s not selfish to fulfill your needs. Blocking off time in your calendar for “me time” and prioritizing your own self-care is essential to avoid burnout. Plus, we encourage others to prioritize their own self-care when they see us taking care of our needs.

Myth: I don’t have time for self-care.

Self-care takes as little or as much time as you need. Some activities like drinking water or limiting social media take no time to incorporate into your day. Even taking a 5 minute break can be the recharge you need. Finding what works for you and your schedule is part of meeting your needs.

Myth: It’s all or nothing.

Self-care is not something you have to “get right”. Giving yourself credit for what you have done and room to do less when you need it can also be self-care. Any effort made to meet your needs is valuable, no matter how small. And what you need can look very different from day to day.

Every step counts

What self-care have you already done today? What act of self-care you can do right now? Take one step at a time, make one choice, and then celebrate it!

Helping you thrive.

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